

  1. “The learning effects of subsidies to bundled goods: a semiparametric approach”, with Ciro Biderman.
    • Earlier version: awarded best Econometrics paper at the 2022 Brazilian Econometric Society meeting.
  2. “Quantile mixture models: Estimation and Inference”, with Victor Orestes.
  3. “Homophily in preferences or meetings? Identifying and estimating an iterative network formation model”, with Cristine Pinto and Vladimir Ponczek.
    • Awarded best Econometrics paper at the 2019 Brazilian Econometric Society meeting.
  4. “Inference in Difference-in-Differences with Few Treated Units and Spatial Correlation”, with Bruno Ferman.

  5. “Extensions for Inference in Difference-in-Differences with Few Treated Clusters”, with Bruno Ferman.

  6. “Randomization Inference Tests for Shift-Share Designs”, with Bruno Ferman and Raoni Oliveira.


  1. “A maximal inequality for local empirical processes under weakly dependent data”, with Cristine Pinto.

  2. “Inference in parametric models with many L-moments”, with Chang Chiann and Pedro Morettin.


  1. “The interpretation of 2SLS with a continuous instrument: a weighted LATE representation”, with Rodrigo Toneto, published at Economics Letters, April 2024.

Selected work in progress

  1. “Approximate Bayesian Computation for structural models”.

  2. “Robust randomization inference with nuisance parameters”.

  3. “Demand estimation under personalized pricing”.

  4. “Sensitivity analyses for treatment effect heterogeneity”.

You can find some older unpublished research here.